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Introducing Safient Protocol

Have you ever wondered how will you recover or pass on your valuable crypto assets, secret instructions to your loved ones in case of an unfortunate event, or what happens when you no longer have access to your unsafe secret backup ?

Worry no more, Safient protocol will help you securely manage all the critical information in a non-custodial way and help recover or inherit the assets so that your loved ones have access to them with 100 % surety at the right time, even incase of any tragic event. Since the protocol is generic it can be used to build solution for recovery of any digital assets, information and secrets.


Safient Solutions

We at Safient have built a few solutions leveraging our own secret recovery and inheritance mechanism.

Safient Wallet 📱 ( ) - A Non-custodial Recoverable and Inheritable wallet application

Safient Voucher 🎁 ( ) - Safest and Convenient way to gift Crypto without intermediaries

Inheritable Safes 🔒 ( ) - Recovery and Inheritance solution for crypto and other digital assets.

Feel free to get in touch with us through any of the below mediums 🤝.